Bee nucs, also known as nucleus hives, are small but functional bee colonies. Our bee nucs contain a laying queen bee, worker bees, larvae, and eggs. They come in small hive boxes with frames and feeders, ensuring easy integration to permanent hives and accessible feeding.
Italian, Russian, and VSH nucs are available for maximum variety.
Expedite the Growth of Your Colony
Because our bee nucs already contain a cohesive bee colony, they can jumpstart the growth of your beekeeping operations. They are more advantageous than package bees which require time to accept and establish a new queen.
Start growing and producing honey much faster with our bee nucs. The presence of larvae and eggs in our frame nucs also ensures that your hive will continue to develop and expand.
Start a New Colony with a Nuc Box
Starting new hives can be a daunting task. But with a live nuc box from Mann Lake, it’s easier than ever.
Our starter hives have bees that are already acclimated to working together, increasing the likelihood of a productive and successful colony.
Invest in Your Beekeeping Success
Whether you are looking to boost honey production, rear queens, or simply enjoy the art of beekeeping, our bee nuc collection offers a practical and efficient solution. Watch the honey bees in your bee yard thrive with our bee nuc selections.