How to Bottle Honey thumbnail image

How to Bottle Honey

So, The Archies were a ways before my time (missed ‘em by about 2 decades), but a catchy song is a catchy song. I won’t deny that the lyrics floated through my head as an unofficial theme to honey bottling day. The task of bottling wasn’t a difficult one, but more of a whistle-while-you-work task that filled me with an awesome sense of satisfaction to see the season’s work bottled up and ready for a label.

After the bottling (and some cleanup) came the time to put labels on our honey. What I did not know before bottling is that in order to sell your honey, it needs to be properly labeled according to federal, state and local specifications. Different locations require different info on your honey label in order for it to be legal to sell in that area. Here I was under the impression that labels were just to make the bottle look fancy (*face palm*)!

Lucky for me I found a handy link I’d like to share with you:

This page has all kinds of info on the labeling of your honey, complete with a clickable map to your state’s regulations. That being said, it’s important to do your own research on honey labeling regulations. If in doubt, I’m sure there’s a local beekeeper or group that would be more than happy to guide a fellow beek in the right direction for label information.

From hive to shelf…

Though my own hives didn’t produce any of the honey which I was able to extract, bottle and label, I still felt pretty proud of the finished product. I most certainly cannot take all the credit, though, as the whole process from hive to shelf was a team effort, not to mention the key players: the bees. I seem to say it with every post, but I never fail to be in awe of these little creatures. Their productivity, selfless nature and even their problem solving skills make me giddy for another season and the next learning opportunity they send my way.

Bottled, labeled and looking fine!

A chill in the air…

We’ve already had a few instances of snowfall here in Minnesota, and while none of it is sticking just yet, it certainly has me scrambling to get my winterizing plans in order. I’ve already been feeding them Pro Sweet and Ultra Bee Patties for a bit now. I don’t think it will be long until the Pro Winter Patties come out, but that’s another post for another day. Stay warm, friends!

Here’s to something toasty in your mug and a friend to share it with!