Product Details Description 1 1/4" Plastic Honey Gate. Specification 1.90 x 2.40 x 5.10 inches 0.20 LBS
Plastic Trays for Comb Honey - 100 pack Plastic Trays for Comb Honey - 100 pack $189.95 FREE Shipping Over $150!
5 Gallon Bottling Pail with Honey Gate, Filter Set, and Lid 5 Gallon Bottling Pail with Honey Gate, Filter Set, and Lid $62.95
Deluxe Complete Uncapping Tub Kit (Includes tub, cover, frame rest, honey gate, and tub grid) 1 Deluxe Complete Uncapping Tub Kit (Includes tub, cover, frame rest, honey gate, and tub grid) $216.95 FREE Shipping Over $150!