
Bee Swarm Trap


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Product Details


Honey Bee Swarm Trap

Our swarm trap mimics the hollow of a tree, serving as an enticing home for wild bees and catching swarms efficiently. Made from a molded fiber material, these traps are durable enough to withstand multiple swarm seasons. Utilizing the swarm commander lure in conjunction with our swarm trapping makes the process of attracting honey bees and catching swarms easier.

Placement for Optimal Attraction

For the best chance of success, place your bait hive at least six feet off the ground in a shady area. This placement ensures the traps are in an easy-to-spot location, increasing the likelihood of worker bees or scout bees finding your trap and considering it a potential permanent hive.

Enhancing Attraction

Our swarm traps attract bees by slowly releasing a blend of pheromones, effectively convincing them to choose the trap as their new home over an existing colony. Each packet of lure remains potent for one swarm season, allowing you to catch swarms and safely transfer them to your hives. To maintain the lure's effectiveness, unused packets should be stored in a freezer or refrigerator, safe from wax moths and other pests.

Benefits for Beekeepers

Keeping bees is a rewarding yet demanding hobby, and our traps offer beekeepers the opportunity to capture multiple swarms each year. This not only provides ample bees for honey production and hive expansion but also enhances the overall beekeeping experience.


  • 15.00 x 17.00 x 21.00 inches
  • 5.00 LBS


  • 5

    Flower pot swarm trap

    by Al Doucette on Mar 11, 2022

    A friend gave me one of these and in combination with a little Swarm Commander I caught an amazing swarm last year that is still thriving this late winter.