Product Details
Extracting honey is one of the most important and exciting parts of beekeeping! Improve the honey extraction process with the best frame radial extractors from Mann Lake. This particular frame radial honey extractor can hold 48 frames at once, so beekeepers can easily extract honey and move on to other tasks in the bee yard.
While some honey extractors spin the honey out of the frames one side at a time, a radial extractor allows for maximum efficiency by removing the honey from both sides simultaneously. As the extractor reel spins, a centrifugal force is created, and the honey is flung from both sides of the comb.
The radial extractor expertly extracts the stored honey from frames without damaging the comb, and the stainless steel construction ensures durability and that no chemical taste is transferred to your honey from the extractor.
Features of the Radial Honey Extractor
This honey extractor has:
- Stainless steel construction
- Tapered bottom with center drain
- Pump/auger for lateral honey transfer
- Manual speed control with timer
- 1 HP drive motor (DC)
- 1 HP pump/auger motor (DC)
- Unit only available with 220 V configuration
Dimensions: 52½" high by 45½" wide.
View our Honey Extractor Warranty.
- 45.00 x 45.00 x 52.10 inches
- 589.10 LBS