
Bulk Unassembled 9 5/8" Budget Grade Deep Hive Box, 36+ Boxes

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Product Details


These highly-functional boxes are an economical choice for your beekeeping needs. While the boxes may include multiple solid or lookse knots, pitch pockets, functional cracks and knots in fingers or rabbets, we ensure any blemishes will not interfere with the structure and functionality of the box.

Made in the USA

Use 9⅛" Frames and 8½" Foundation. Nails not included.

What size is right for me?

Did you know the only difference in measurements between 10 frame and 8 frame boxes is the width? 8 frame equipment is narrower than 10 frame, and not always compatible with other 8 frame equipment as dimensions vary slightly by manufacturers. 10 frame equipment offers more space for brood and honey production.

View our Woodenware Assembly & Fit Guarantee.


  • 13.00 inches
  • 10.00 LBS
  • Budget grade wood
  • Box size is 9 5/8"
  • Pallet quantity (36+ boxes)
  • Nails not included.
