Product Details
If you're seeking an alternative to the traditional escape screen, our Solar Fume Board is an excellent choice. This fume board features a felt underside that effectively absorbs bee repellents such as honey bandit or honey robber.
The special construction of our fume boards can cater 8-frame or 10-frame hives and tailored to guide bees into the brood chambers, facilitating smoother honey removal.
8-Frame, 10-Frame Board For Efficient Harvesting
Ideal for either an 8-frame or 10-frame beehive, this solar board leverages solar heat to harvest your hive's honey efficiently. This system requires direct sunlight, a fume board, and a honey bandit.
Crafted with meticulous craftsmanship, our 8-frame and 10-frame fume board selections feature a solid wood build for long-lasting performance. Our fume board products also have their frames exposed for airflow. This high-quality build makes our fume boards fit both the hobbyist and commercial beekeeper.
Clearing Bees with an 8-Frame, 10-Frame Fume Board
Enhance your beekeeping efforts on warm, sunny days with our Solar Fume Board. This tool significantly reduces the time needed to clear bees from the honey super and brood chambers. As an effective bee repellent, the inner cover of the fume board prompts bees to move, creating bee-free supers and leave room to efficiently harvest the honey.
Application Method
Ensure your bees remain calm in honey supers and avoid disruptive bee clearing during honey harvesting. Afterward, do the following: :
- Apply honey bandit or honey robber in an X or S pattern to the felt underside of the fume board.
- Position the fume board atop the uppermost honey super, ensuring corners of frames are exposed to facilitate airflow.
- The duration of the honey removal process varies with current weather conditions. The black corrugated top of the fume board increases the temperature by 10–15°F, enhancing the vaporization rate of the honey removal aid and thus speeding up the process.
Dive into our educational resources to discover more about the benefits of using honey bandit with a fume board. Learn how these tools can significantly improve your independent or commercial beekeeping operations: What's the Buzz on Honey Bandit & Fume Boards Blog
- 16.40 inches
- 2.60 LBS